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May MindTamers Monthly

She holds your hand when you cross the street.
She kisses your skinned knee and stops the tears.
She fills in the blanks so you succeed.
She grows you in the womb of her love.

Alive or dead, estranged or living together, you and your mother share common memories. In the space between, that space where shared memories live, it is always here and now. Each memory lives in its own place. You visit that place anytime you choose through the power of your creative imagination.

In his book, Outliers, Malcomb Gladwell acquaints us with the idea that it takes about 10,000 hours to become a world-class expert in any endeavor. Think back to your little life. Before your formal education indoctrination, you spent the majority of your day at the imaginasium. If you had a friend (real or imagined) to play with, anything was possible!

The 10,000-hour rule works when the individual is actively trying to become exceptional at the task. Every infant, toddler and child with enough food, shelter and human contact to have basic needs met spends at least 5 hours a day actively using the imagination to create all manner of possibilities from whatever happens to be at hand? (Remember those kitchen pots, wooden spoons and pan lids?) She does that every day and in 6 years (10,000 hours later), she is a world-class expert at the use of her imagination.

So face it, you really are a professional imagineer!

Question is, when is the last time you practiced at it? We are stretching our imaginations in Razor’s Edge, the year-long mentoring program I facilitate with MindTamers. So far, it is uncomfortable to use a skill that is rusty…kind of like remembering how to ride a bike after a long while driving cars. It is amazing how with a few friends (we use the mastermind approach to the mentoring process), anything is once again possible. More than any of that, it is sheer fun!

Your creative imagination is waiting to be let out of the cage. Free it three ways:

1) Study your favorite secret agent.

Is it Bond? Mission Impossible’s Jim? Maxwell Smart? 99? Maybe it is your persona you created for the latest Macheist adventure.

Warning: Do not perform the following exercise in an airport. Your actions could be misconstrued and results would be predictable and unfortunate.

The next time you are in a busy place, become a secret agent. You are working in tandem with your favorite agent and you must do your part or your city will suffer dire consequences at the hands of the villain of your choice. Make up a task that you must complete with all the finesse of a secret agent and play your part. Don’t stop until you complete your assignment or attract undue attention from those who might inflict punishment upon you.

2) Sign up for a MindTamers study.

Conscious Thinking: Imagination is a three-hour seminar that is part of the Mental Muscles Series. On May 13, 2009 7:30-10:30 AM at 401 Congress Avenue, Suite 1540 in Austin, Texas get primed to resume your role as the chief imagineer in your field.

Ready to sink your mind into more than you can possibly chew? We have a few spots in Razor’s Edge if you have a big enough goal and are ready to make a year-long commitment. Email me.

3) Revisit three memories with your Mother.

Steal some quiet time and find that space between where that memory lives. Poke around in the corners of the memory and pull out every detail. Where do you smell her the easiest?

While you are there, invite your mother to enjoy it as much as you are. Even if she has already passed, you can imagine her with you even now, holding your hand as you relive the moment together.

Make that memory, the one of her in your present moment, sharing the moment of the past with you just as vivid as the memory of your past together.

It really isn’t hard.

After all, you are a professional.


Lori L. Barr, M. D.

April/May MindTamers Monthly

Ahh, Spring…

Your heels click sharply on the shiny wood. No dust, no stains, just mirror sheen and deep resonance. White walls reflect all of your colors. No fingerprints, no smudges, no cobwebs, just white and clean. Fresh tickles your nose; no stale smoke, no lingering rancid oil. There is nothing like the result of Spring Cleaning.
April is the month we focused on Spring Cleaning at MindTamers. Many of you who took advantage of our programs feel just as good about the clear space you created within your own mind. You learned to let go of outdated ideas and habits that were limiting your growth. It feels good to get back to the simplicity of clean.
Others, unable to participate, wonder when they will be able to grow this way. How is it that some people always have opportunities for growth and others never do? Just lucky?

Let’s Talk About Luck…
We will explore the concept of luck 7 PM Central Daylight Time on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 in a webinar entitled, “The Good Luck Prescription.” Dedicate one hour to picking up the phone and gauging your ability to get lucky in any area you choose.
If you really want to get the most out of the webinar, follow the link to register below, then take the time to write down your thoughts about the following questions before the webinar. You’ll be glad you did.
Pre-Webinar Assessment: Good Luck Prescription

1. List ten phrases or symbols that you know related to luck either good or bad.
2. What do you do when you:
find a penny?
see a black cat?
cross paths with a ladder?
spill salt?
encounter a hearse?
your ear burns?
3. At what time of day do you usually notice you are having a good or a bad one? What happens after that?
4. Do you gamble? If so, when do you choose to do so? Name three determining factors that influence your decision to gamble.
5. Name three factors that help you decide whether or not an activity is worth the risk for the following types of activities:
Physical (ex. scuba diving, bungee jumping)
Mental (ex. idea you are uncomfortable considering)
Spiritual (ex. action counter-productive to your spiritual growth)
Social (ex. activity you may be ridiculed for participation in)
Security (ex. investment decision that depletes your reserve)

You know how curious I am. If you perform this self-assessment, send me an email and let me know at lori@mindtamers.com.

Good luck!
Lori L. Barr, M.D.

Good Luck Rx Webinar
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM CDT

System Requirements: PC Based attendees require Windows 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, 2003 Server, Vista
Macintosh-based attendees require MAC OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or newer

Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

In Step with Lifelong Learning

A warm blustery Austin day, I enjoy a Brazilian lunch with two individuals practiced in the art of thinking. Rodney reflects on how differently he thinks now that he is a weekly blogger. Megan, the savvy observer who has mastered the subtle art of suggestion, asks me if I blog.
I had not and am grateful to Rodney and Megan for pushing me to share my strategies for life balance on the MindTamers blogs.
I am an Austin physician (radiologist), educator, mother, and entrepreneur. I am passionate about purposeful living. If you catch me doing otherwise, please stop and remind me. My husband teaches high school science. My son is a boy scout.
Today focus on lifelong learning since many characteristics of lifelong learners are the same as those of self-motivated individuals who use all parts of their non-corporeal being and really live on purpose. Most balanced individuals I observe understand the ways the mind works and the spirit moves the body into shapes, contours and actions that either serve as a life-preserver or drag us under the chilly waves in the flow of life.
An article entitled “Education Techniques for Lifelong Learning” by Dr. Jannette Collins, a radiologist in Wisconsin appears in the medical journal, Radiographics this month.
Dr. Collins describes lifelong learning as “one of the most important competencies that people must possess”. Her article is a call to action for educators of all age students to change the way they teach. She encourages teaching methods that foster the traits, skills and learning activities necessary for lifelong learning.
What underlying traits typify those who become master learners? Dr. Collins lists 15 in her article. For this blog, I offer 10. The other five are on the MindTamers social networking site: http://mindtamers.ning.com on the blog page.
See which of the traits you breathe and become more aware of opportunities to improve the others:
  • Curious
  • Venturesome/creative
  • Innovative
  • Resourceful
  • Motivated to learn
  • Disciplined
  • Logical
  • Self-aware
  • Adaptable
  • Accountable
Talent and gifts are terms we employ when individuals are unconsciously competent about how their abilities affect their performance. All of these traits can be learned if there is enough desire and persistence.
Dr. Collins lists eight skills and seven learning activities that foster lifelong learning. Consider four skills she identifies (go to http://www.mindtamers.ning.com blog for the rest):
  • Develops & defends criteria for evaluating learning
  • Change agent
  • Shares knowledge
  • Information-seeking & retrieval skills
How does one develop such skills? Practice activities that build the skill frequently enough to create a habit in the mind. In other words, practice enough that the activity is performed without a second thought. That takes a good bit of practice. Want to guess how much? 10 times? 100 times? Usually over 1200 repetitions are necessary.
What kind of learning activities does Dr. Collins suggest? Remember, this article is written to practicing radiologists.
  • Participate in conventional learning opportunities like seminars
  • Participate in distance learning oppotunities
  • Develop new skills with experiential training
  • Volunteer to enhance leadership skills
  • Find a mentor or coach
  • Work toward an advanced degree
  • Read, reflect on reading
I am happy to report that at MindTamers we provide all of these learning activities and they are not centered around the subjects you study in school. Our programs fill in the blanks your education left out.
Starting in April, this blogger will share tips on spring cleaning for your mind so you achieve the results you desire. If dusty old habits weigh you down, spend a few minutes here every Saturday. We will whisk them away.
Lifelong leaning means to master the art of thinking. Remember Rodney and Megan? They are not so old pros. You can master this art over the course of the next eight weeks in one of our two MindTaming Principles Classes. mindtamers.com

Lori L. Barr, M. D.
Founder, MindTamers
Austin, Texas

Additional Resources:

Here is the reference for Dr. Collins’ article. You will need to contact your friendly neighborhood radiologist or medical library to download it for you for free and since I am a friendly neighborhood radiologist myself, if 100 people comment here that they would like to have access to the article, then I will obtain the permission to post it on http://www.mindtamers.ning.com our social networking website.
Collins, J, Education Techniques for Lifelong Learning, Lifelong Learning in the 21st Century and Beyond, Radiographics, 2009; 29(2): 613-622
Bolhuis, S, Toward Process-oriented Teaching for Self-directed Lifelong Learning: a Multidimensional perspective. Learn Instruct 2003; 13(3): 327-347

January/February 2009 Newsletter

Resolutions: Reality Check

Three steps make the di

January is a month when individuals resolve to change and do a better job with respect to some facet of their life. Today I want to challenge you to take one step further in this process than will most of the well-intentioned resolution makers. Let's cover three basic steps that will truly make a di
fference if you want
to make lasting changes in your results.

To begin, you must understand what is responsible for your results. What comes to mind when you ask yourself, "What is the primary factor responsible for my results?"

Write down the first answer that comes to mind. If you wrote down anything similar to "what I do is responsible for my results" or "if only (fill in the blank with any external circumstance) my results would be di
fferent" then you need to
alter your basic understanding of how we achieve the results we attain in our lives. This question is answered in almost every keynote, seminar, coaching program or consultation provided by the professionals at MindTamers.

Download the full newsletter.

December 2008 Newsletter

Renewal, Readiness and Greatness

Winter is the season of renewal, where seeds and bulbs are gathering the energy and physical components that they need to burst forth in the spring with new growth and color.! Ideas are spiritual seeds and they also are gathering the energy and physical components they need to manifest in your physical world as soon as you are ready for them.!  Winter is a great time to make yourself ready.

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